Инвентар старословенског писма, Inventory of OCS script

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Inventory of OCS script

Internal registration of the Standard of OCS (Belgrade Model)
in Unicode PrivateUseArea (PUA)

Normally people use PUA for glyphs, which are not in the official Unicode. It is not important how many people will use the same code in PUA for own glyph. One code can have (and already have) a few tens of users. It is not obstacle at all because it is font dependant. Everyone will have own glyph in own font.
We are in different position than normal users. As Unicode rules do not enable us to write even simple text (see Difference.pdf) we must move whole Standard in PUA also.

Principles for registration
Principles are based on the following assumptions:
1.    Registration should include a full Standard of OCS language and writing system;
2.    Registration should enable writing OCS Script as a plain (simple) text in common programs, such as MS Word. To accomplish that all superscript letters will be registered with and without titlos, separately for small and capital letters and separately for writing with offset to the left and for writing between two letters. The same holds for diacritical marks and titlos;
3.    Registration should enable use of OpenType technology accomplishing writing in fine typography manner in professional prepress programmes, such as InDesign. For that reason, registration should include glyphs and ligatures also, which naturally belongs to this area (PUA);
4.    Registration should enable a further additions of characters living a reserved codes;
5.    Registration should be separate of present registration of Cyrillic in order to accomplish use of font for Database programs which can have one font in the field with data only. So we can have contemporary and old Cyrilic in one font.
This system enables all possible kind of fonts, from most simple to the most complex one.
1.    One can use only PUA codes for the font for Databases and/or fine typography, or
2.    Any combination of already registered OCS characters in Unicode with appropriate PUA codes at the choice. 
In this system we define places for glyphs and ligatures also. Glyphs and ligatures are optional for use and are not in conflict with other characters. They have own position (code). If we do not define these places, different users will have different codes even for same glyphs. It cost us nothing to fix that places now and for future. In that way we did not take anything from anybody. PUA is free for users. We only make “our system” to avoid problems between us, in use of PUA.

Zoran Kostić
Foundation of Holy Monastery Hilandar, Belgrade